Monday, December 21, 2009
Middle Aged Ligaments Suck!
Got in the car and wouldn't you know it...when I had accelerated (gas ankle = hurt ankle) it hurt like hell. I think the slight plantar extension required in depressing the gas pedal is the same plantar extension that is utilized in running. Hmmm...nix the Plan B run. Anyway, I got home and decided to give my daughter, the physiotherapy student, an opportunity to do a clinical assessment and write a plan of therapy. She said, "where does it hurt?" I said, "right across here". "Does it hurt when you do this?" "Yes." "How about when you do this?" "Yes". "Hmmm...I think you should put ice on it and rest it for a few days...oh, I would recommend that you not go to spin tomorrow." "Is that it? Is that all you're going to tell me?" "yeah, that's what we tell everybody!"... Bottom line is I have a 51 year old ankle. Came to that realization when I was sprawled on the Hampton Road. Gawd! I feel so betrayed - my ankle has failed.
So, what's an old gal to do? Those ligaments, tissues, muscles, bones and such become so vulnerable. Something I would have totally ignored not that long ago, an ache or a pain, is now a source of hand wringing for me. I must now think about bone density, degenerative changes consistent with age, that intense fear of infirmity. I hate it when I am reminded of the frailties of the human body. Gosh, if running did anything for me, it was to facilitate the complete suppression of that fact.
K, this has been my cathartic moment. Tomorrow I will skip my spin class and apply ice to my ankle 3 or 4 times daily. And I will be out with my running group Wednesday night. Or not...
The Middle Aged Runner
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
I was raised in the Catholic Church. I was accustomed to the structure and the ritual, to the smell of the incense during feasts and celebrations and to the lyrical droning of the community reciting the Apostles’ Creed – never in unison. I dutifully received my sacraments – baptism, communion, confirmation, marriage – without any doubt that this was the way things were done – whether I liked it or not. I brought my children up in the Church, taught Catechism, was a lay reader and was generally quite involved. I was a good Catholic, always felt somewhat tainted about being human – generally lived with a good sense of guilt every day. Well, I don’t attend mass anymore – no longer meets my spiritual needs. Running now fills that void - I believe I have alluded to this in one of my earlier posts.
What’s my point? This is what is curious - over the weekend, on two successful beautiful days – Saturday and Sunday, I thought about running but decided that the need to do some Christmas shopping was more immediate. So, that’s what I did – I went Christmas shopping and did not run – didn’t even go to the gym. How did I feel about that? GUILTY! What is going on here? Evidently in the transfer from one spiritual vehicle to another – that old RC guilt came with it. Dang! So, did I flog myself mercilessly? No, but that constant pang – so comfortably settled in my gut for most of my life - remained. "Bless me Father, for I have sinned; it has been 5 days since my last run". Until tonight! I ran with my friend Brent . "I am only interested in 10 k", he said. "Me too", I replied as we walked out the door. Our 10 km turned out to be 14 and hilly as hell. The ice was trecherous in some areas so we took a few turns here and there. Let's go down here, less traffic, less ice. It was glorious. We parted at the school and as I drove home, listening to As it Happens talk about abandoned Chihuahuas in California, I felt a sense of relief - similar to the feeling I had during the penance I was given as a child. Tonight, as then, I felt purged of my transgressions. Only tonight it was combined with the endorphin high.
Sweet redemption. I can live with myself yet again.
As I read this entry I am reluctant to post it - it seems so intimate and kind of nutty too. But I think we all live with guilt in one form or another and I think many of us are motivated by the need to eliminate that guilt.
Any other guilty runners out there?
The Middle Aged Runner
ps - Thanks Brent...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Love Hate Relationship..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Deterred by Rain?
Met my friend and off we went. Not pouring rain but rain nonetheless. It was a little cold starting out but warmed up in a short period of time. As we moved along we picked up another runner and continued on. Off the beaten path, the swish of the passing vehicles is lessened and I hear the slap of running shoes on the wet pavement, the sound of the rain bouncing off my jacket and see individual drops of water trickling from the brim of my cap. As we run uphill conversation decreases and the steady sound of our breathing is in rhythm with our footsteps. As we make our way around the route we are back on a more traveled route. Vehicles roar by, one by one, creating seemingly tsunamic waves catapulting towards us on the shoulder. In reality, of course, we are splashed sporatically but even small amounts of water is magnified to biblical proportions when you're wet already.
15 km later we ended our run and parted. I took off my cap and gloves and changed my jacket and set out for my 10 minute drive home soaked down to my socks. Yet I felt a curious sense of well being as I always do when I run in the rain. It is not about braving the elements. It's like a cleansing process - ridding the mind and body of all the negativity that has been absorbed during the day - and becoming whole and healthy again ready to take on the next day.
The Middle Aged Runner