Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yes, Brent, there really is a blog written by me!

OK, I know it's been a while since I've had an entry. Geez, I talked about motivation last time, remember? Still dealing with it....But, after being razzed so subtly, in a merciless way by a few of my running buds I thought I had better make an entry tonight...

Topic for tonight! The weather. My running group goes at 6pm. Well, as you know I am coping with a lack of inspiration, motivation and probably a few other "ions". Even the last few weeks of lovely weather has made me just want to barbeque and do crosswords on the deck perhaps accompanied by an alcoholic beverage. But, tonight....oh, cold, blowing, wet...if there ever was a night I DID NOT want to run, it was tonight! But, I made it to the door! Out the door I went. Met my group...hey, let's do some intervals! OK, that's OK - I know I have to do some real training before Halifax so i'm OK with this. So, out we go - now it's raining and cold. Down to the Rothesay commons we go - 4 intervals. No defibrillator intervention required. I was surprised that I was able to maintain my time reasonably for the first 3 (then died on the 4th but that's OK). So, back we go - my running guru, Alex, has another group going at 7 and I think, yeah, I can run with them too. May as well get the mileage in while I can.

Well, started out again at 7 - now it's snowing. Ran about 5 or 6 K with my good friend Tim. Snow, rain, sleet, cold, drivers splashing you like they think they can get you any wetter. (NOTHING WORSE THAN KV DRIVERS - BAD, WORSE, WORST, RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, PROBABLY FROM TORONTO, STUPID, OBLIVIOUS TO PEDESTRIANS AND COMMON SENSE!!!!)

But, wow, what a fantastic run...there is nothing better, nothing more fun than getting out into the slop and the mess and just running. It is a close to a childhood moment as you're ever going to get. I felt fabulous when I got home. Not only had a great run but had to blog about it too! Crappy weather = really satisfying run. The fact that I was nuts enough to go out in this and run is an accomplishment in itself. Loved it.